Filler Cards don’t Exist in Gwent

With the upcoming Launch of the Way of the Witcher Expansion 70 fresh Cards join the Game. Every Day my fellow Creators reveal more and more cards. But there is one Problem! Every time a Weaker Card gets revealed the Community marks them as “Filler” Cards.

For Context: A Filler Card is considered as an intentionally weak designed Card to fill a Expansion Keg/Booster with worthless cards, This makes the legendary cards even more desirable. A lot of the more greedy TCG like Magic and Hearthstone tend to create cards like this. But they do not exist in Gwent Expansions. Slama himself said every new revealed card has a purpose in the Gam. Today I want to support Slamas Claim by debunking 3 Examples of supposedly ” Filler” Cards.

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Failed No Nut Novemeber

Squirrel isn’t only the cutest Art ever released, but also the strongest Graveyard Counter Card in the Game. This Cute fellow was one of the first cards revealed in the Master of Mirror Reveal Campaign. Sadly a lot of People called him a useless Filler Card. Overlooking how amazing he is as a Tech against Echo Cards , that where really popular on Expansion Release. Even several Months after the Expansion Release the Echo Neutral Card Oneiromancy is nearly Autoinclude in every Deck. Imagine countering a 13 P Card with a this Fluffy 4P Card. Pretty Nutty?

And even without this Card the cute Squirrel is a great counter against Monster Decks and several SK Decks. You can interrupt the Enemy plays without having to play NG and this is something pretty Great. Squirrel is a versatile Tech Card that can be used by every kind of player and unlocks its full potential in the hand of a Pro Player. Also in the worst Case Scenarios you still have a 4/4 or you can just him Mulligan away. Just never underestimate the potential of 4 Provision Bronze Cards and never call them a filler.


This is a serios Article

Offering also got revealed in the Master of Mirror Campaign. Offering also got marked as unusable Filler by the Community. I know Offering looks at first glance like a highlyakward to use card. Its pretty conditional . And even to this Day is Offering doesn’t see alot of play. So was the Community right? No, because there is one Deck that used offering in great success.

A Cintrian Guard Deck that uses Offering on Ronvid to replay the Cintrian Guards for a lot of Value. ( Click here to check it out) Yes you could describe the Deck i mention as Wacky or Meme. But not every Card needs to be competitive to have a purpose in the Game. Some Players just want to play Decks with Wacky Meme Combos. And this is absolute fine. Yes Offering may look like a Filler for Players that want to climb, but a lot of Meme Players gladly going to use this fun Card . And who knows maybe in the future a Deck going to use offering in great success and it becomes a viable card. Also never forget of Power Creep is also going to raise the Power of Bronzes in the Game.To have an Option to replay them withouth playing Skellige could be very usefull in the Future. Every Card in the Game has a future Potential. You just have to unlock it! The last Card I want to present to you is even a better Example of future potential!

Making a Bomb

This Card gonna make a Bomb Enterance into the World of Gwent.

Making a Bomb is a newly revealed Card for ST and is the Reason i wanted to write this Article. Like Offering is ,Making a Bomb a Card with a lot of Future Potential! The community sadly allready marked this Card as useless before it even could show its true potential. Of course is this again a case of blandly ignorance of the community. They overlook the obvious synergy with the newly designed Bomb Heaver, but also on what CDPR tried to hint at with its carefully planned out Reveal. To explain it further we need to go a bit back in time:

Everything begins last Year on a rainy Monday morning some months before the Merchants of Ofir release. Everyone in the Office could hear the Raindrops hit the Window. All Gwent Devs sat down to plan the next ST Archetype. After hours of heated discussion and 3 Coffee breaks they finally decided! Gwent gonna get an unique ST Bomb Archetype. But the Devs did a grave Error! Bomb Heaver the most loved Card of Thronebreaker was suppose to become its finsiher. But he already had other Ability that didn’t had anything to do with bombs. The Devs had to act fast or they plans would go to ruins.

They used the Merchants of Ofir Release to add new slightly overstated Scenario cards. Maliciously making them very fun to play so everyone wanted to play them. Suddenly every player was forced to tech Bomb Heaver. People started slowly to hate Bomb Heaver . Everything went according to plan CDPR. After 9 Months CDPR finally could rework Bomb Heaver without creating an uproar in the Community. An Happy End for Everyone at CDPR ( expect for Frank , dude got fired).

After succefully freeing Bomb Heaver, CDPR started to hint at the upcoming ST Bomb Archetype to create hype. Everything started with the remake of Dancing Star and ended with the Reveal of Making a Bomb. But how exactly did the Reveal of Making a Bomb hinted at the existence of the new Bomb ST Archetype you ask? To Explain this we first need to look at Will o Wisp other “Filler” Card:

In the Master Mirror Reveal Expansion the Card Will o Wisp got revealed on the popular Podcast Merchants of Novigrad. Here comes the Twist! CDPR intetionally used a Podcast to hide a secret code with the Reveal. Look the Card was revealed …. on a Pod- Cast named Merchants of Novigrad.

(pod) Cast–> Will o Wisp–> Novigrad

Everyone in Novigrad takes drugs. They literally poisen themself what makes your Life -> doomed! Casting Will o Wisp on a Doomed Unit is like poising a allready poised Unit!!!
This is a undeniable proof that Selfpoison Syndicate got allready revealed in the MM Reveal Campain!!! Will o Wisp got also insulted by the Community as a Filler Card. Like MAKING A BOMB!
Well Well Well. .. and where did Making a Bomb got revealed???
ON THE SAME PODCAST 6 MONTHS LATER! Confindece? I think not!
The name of the Card is literally MAKING A BOMB(ARCHETYPE). Wake up COMMUNITY!
In the next Expansion Making a Bomb will be a MAJOR Part of the ST Bomb Archetype and this PROOFS that CDPR never releases Filler Cards in ANY GWENT EXPANSION !!!!!!!

…….. Making a Bomb also got some neat interactions with the new revealed Movement Archetype… so thats cool.

Thanks for reading my first ever Palmerin Discussion.
Follow me on Twitter or i make you a Bomb.

2 thoughts on “Filler Cards don’t Exist in Gwent

  1. Sorry to say that, but its really feels like tin foils hat theories. Except squirrel both card are bad, and I don’t see point in playing low tier decks. Kinda pointless in today ranked games.


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