Alzur Ultimativ Pro Deck Guide

Always has his Heart on the right Stone.

Hello and welcome to the first Palmerin Club Article after Qupors long Gwent Break ( that still dint ended) . CDPR just announced their new expansion WotW and everyone in the Club is excited to play it.  Today i want to show you a highly competetiv Deck Guide for the already playable Card Alzur.
I can 100% guranted you that with this Deck Guide you easily going to win a game.

You Probaly asking yourself : “Qupor why should I read this Deck Guide, you don’t play alot of Gwent, you are bald, Alzuro is obviusly a card inspired by the popular Activision Blizard Card Game Hearthstone and my mother hates you. Why should i read this garbage???”

Part 1 : The Base Structure

Do you wanna finish with a Board like this? Then learn to play idiot.

Before we can start with importen Points like the Provision , Faction , Number of Bald Units and Playstyle , we first need to analyze Alzur and his Character. Don’t Worry you soon going to see the Deck list built by a Master crafter like me. To analyze Alzur we of course need to check out his Lore. An Epic Story that’s started years before the Humans entered the World of Witcher in trough Portal:

Birth and childhood

Alzur’s mother, Alzura, served as the Guardian of the Witcher World. Eight centuries before the coming of the Humans into the witcher world, she fought and seemingly defeated one of the most Evil Elvs in History : *Milton* . This was according to the Miltons’s plan, as he used the opportunity to transfer his essence into her body, where he would lay in wait.

Forty-five years before the coming of the Humans, Alzura desired to give birth to a child to whom she could pass on her powers. She seduced Palmerin a powerfull Knight, only returning later to leave the child in his care. Palmerin named the boy Alzur, which means “that bitch that left me this rng brat” in the high Knight tongue. Alzara was unaware that Milton had possessed the defenseless child while it was still in her womb. The boy, and Milton, were given all of Alzara’s powers, which were to lay dormant until he reached adulthood.

Alzur had a great childhood with Palmerin and his amazing stories that spanned over tausend of years. Especially the part that explained what happend with Palmerins loyal company Knick….. ……Oh wait…. this is akward….
Qupor here!! I am missing alot of parts of the story . Looks like i gonna skip some parts from time to time. Ah yes found the next part!

WotD : Wolrd of toad Wars

The bald foglets only followed Palmerin because he was the Alpha bald.

Palmerin had no choice. Alzar possed by the Soul of Milton opened the Portal to the World of the most evil Creatures known into existence: “Nilfgardians“. Dressed in black and gold. They spoke  a language that sounded like a mix between french and being out-tempod. Nilfgard got there name by the now destroyed Realm of Rank 28 what means ” OP Pls Nerf” in there tongue .
The Nilfgardians and their gigantic Army of Soldiers slowly approached Palmerin. Even a giant Toad joined the sides off the Nilfgardians after getting bribed by some gold coins.
It looked really bad for Palmerin. He only had the command over a small Army of weak bald monsters like Foglets. Palmerin and Nilfgardian fought with everything they got. Palmerin bearly managed to 2:0 Nilfgardians, but the amount of Taunts he had to endure left a mental scare on Palmerin till today. The Nilfgardians had gave up and agreed with Palmerin to build a lame nation far away from him. Now you are wondering:
What happend with Milton, where is my Deck List and why did Palmerin joined the Nilfgardians in his later life?

A prophet emerges

Palmerin is in Danger

Long after the WotW , a strange prophet appeared to various places of the Witcher World. He appeared to deliver a warning of a looming apocalyptic threat. The Adivisor of Queen Meve — Caldwell, son of some fat dude —had a dream where the Nilfgardians and Humans were fighting against each other while Edgy Elvs dressed in Edgy Ice Armor rained from the sky. The Prophet of course was Alzur that survived the WotD and now tried to save Palmerin from death.
( Check Chapter 3 Page 24 in the Palmarillions to read on why the Wild Hunt hates Palmerin.)

The Prophet revealed his identity when the time came to rally the forces against the Wild Hunter. Appearing in a dream to Caldwell. The Prophet told him that they he must form an alliance to battle the common enemy . He told them that he was, in fact, Alzur that it was his doing that brought the Nilfgardians, and, in turn, the Wild Hunt, to the Witcher World. Caldwell became convinced that victory could only be achieved through an alliance with the Nilfgardians, and they rallied together to defend the World against the Wild Hunt. Well you guys know the Story. Meeve that idiot stopped the heroic Nilfgard and Caldwell before they could fulfill there nobel duty. Yes Meve is literally fault for the Wild Hunt Invasion.

Confident that the world was safe for now, and that he had repaid a fraction of debt for his terrible sins, Alzur vanished. His actions ensured the Witchers worlds survival and he found some redemption in becoming a pretty cool journey skin.


Thank you for reading my deck guide! I hope this Guide convinced all the Haters that its easy to climp pro ladder with Alzur!
If you have more Questions about Alzar then follow me on Twitter and keep them for yourself:

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